Reviews & Recommendations


"These guys really have their act together"

Kevin, 9.1.2021 Lowell

OUI Dismissed

Reckless Driving Dismissed

Speeding 87 in a 65 Dismissed

I haven't stopped smiling since Attorney Dunn got all the charges against me dismissed. After representing me for almost two years, he marched into the trial court room ready to fight. He actually looked upset when the judge dismissed all three charges instead. These two guys really have their act together. I couldn't be happier!

"These guys really have their act together"

– Kevin

Attorney Dunn Is Here for You

Attorney James Dunn is an OUI / DUI lawyer who proudly and vigorously defends clients in OUI matters across Massachusetts

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Here for you when you need me 24/7. Call now, no matter what time it is: 617-504-4881.

Reviews & Recommendations

See the growing list of reviews and recommendations. Call me now to discuss how I can help you - I promise to act in your best interest at all times: 617-504-4881.
