Wrentham District Court
Cases We've Handled at Wrentham District Court
A.W., Wrentham
2nd Offense
Video Contradicted Police Report
Jury Voted Not Guilty
Judge Restored License
Cop watched client swerve into opposite lane in front of oncoming traffic before she "jerked the wheel" to make a left turn. Cop then said client failed all roadside balancing tests, was swaying while standing, and couldn't keep her balance and stumbled around while walking. However, attorney Dunn had filed a motion to preserve all video and showed that video at trial. The jury was able to see with their own eyes that client had no balance problems whatsoever while walking and stood perfectly straight and still. Jury quickly voted Not Guilty. Then attorney Dunn immediately filed a motion and convinced the judge to reverse the 3-year breath test refusal suspension.
Failed Breath Test
OUI 2nd - Not Guilty
Negligent Operation - Not Guilty
Police report stated Tony was speeding, drove on opposite side of road briefly, had glassy, bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, an odor of alcohol and admitted drinking. Then he failed both the roadside field test and then the breath test at the station. Attorney Dunn had the breath test thrown out and then won a not guilty on both charges after trial.
"Attorney Dunn told me to fight and helped me make all the right choices."